a sacred space for community, connection, and co-regulation

6-month membership from January - June, 2024

Ready to deepen your practices & commitment

to your own healing?

Join a soulful community of those on the path to Nervous System Healing and Embodiment and receive support to amplify your journey!

Here’s the thing…

The most important element in creating healing and transformation in your life that actually lasts is….


Woman in Black Spaghetti Strap Top Meditating

Because you can’t THINK your way

to healing.

No matter how many books you read, podcasts you listen to, yoga classes you take, or meditations you try…..

If there's no way for that information to land in your body and integrate through your nervous system, you will continue to be at the mercy of your dysregulation and habitual stress responses.

The only way to experience the lasting healing you desire is by meeting the disconnect through healing your NERVOUS SYSTEM.

When you learn to work with your nervous system as the conduit or the channel for your divinity (as energy and life force) from an EMBODIED perspective, that's when the true connection and lasting transformation can begin!

Healing your nervous system is what leads to new levels of trust and connection in your body!

Crop black woman with burning candle

This Embodiment work is for you if you have ever struggled with the deep fear of being WRONG and things not being OK, which often dresses itself up as:



Imposter Syndrome

➸Feelings of anxiety or dread



Chronic Illness/Autoimmune Issues

Patterns of suppression/repression

Deep fear of making mistakes

But when you learn to address these patterns from the Nervous System perspective, this healing is how you truly BECOME and LIVE as the infinite TRUTH of who you are.

Woman Meditating at Home

In the Embodied Community we believe that:

✹ The Divine Purpose of the Nervous System is as the conduit, processor, communicator, and interface with our Soul.

✹There is not one way that Nervous System regulation looks, and this path is about supporting your unique resiliency.

✹You cannot awaken, connect, or change faster than your Nervous System baseline has been prepared for.

✹Nervous System Expansion is a personal pilgrimage into the holy ground of your physical body and energy system.

Women Dancing on Road Trip

This community is designed as an EXPERIENTIAL program.

It’s not just about listening to esoteric theories, accumulating more knowledge, or learning a one-size fits all blueprint.

You are encouraged and supported to understand your unique nervous system and healing path as we put the ideas into practical application in your life.

Everything that we teach and lead has been completely LIVED, EXPERIENCED, and tested on our own journeys and by dozens of other women who have benefitted from this process.

Being in the Embodied community is a powerful way to experience the depth of this Embodied healing work with a circle of kindred spirits along the way!

"For me, this work is holistic and deep. I feel like it covers all bases for sustainable and long-term transformation, and the transformation sticks!"

What you can experience with the work in the Embodied Community:

➸Learn how to support your nervous system to meet all the waves of life with ease

➸Say goodbye to burnout and depletion as you access greater energy and vitality

➸Dissolve your inner judgments and shift limiting beliefs as you release habitual stress patterns

➸Recognize sabotages in your emotional, mental, and energetic bodies to release the stuckness

➸Reorient your fears and sabotages to more supportive and energizing ways to meet your life

➸Receive the power that comes from a strong container of co-regulation to entrain your nervous system to deeper safety

➸Increase your connection to your deep Soulful self to experience greater fulfillment in your life!

What's Included in EMBODIED: the community

for the 6-month spiral from January - June 2024

2 LIVE 6-week Nervous System Expansion & Healing Courses:

Courses include content lessons and transmissions to deepen your understanding of the techniques, application, and implementation of Nervous System Regulation and Energy Work. Each of these courses meets weekly and includes theory as well as Q&A to get your questions answered and receive personal feedback.

2024 Quarter 1 Course = Practice Better: Learn Somatic Tools and Neuroplasticity Basics to Fully Support Your Nervous System

2024 Quarter 2 Course = Embody Your Light: Thaw the Freeze Blocking Your Radiance

2 LIVE Monthly Sacred Somatics & Breathwork Practices: New & Full Moons:

Each month there will be 2 guided experiential opportunities to work through a Sacred Somatics and Breathwork lens to fully feel the effects and harness the power of Embodiment practices. We work through a Sacred Somatics lens utilizing breathwork, energy work, and intuitive movement to build your confidence in supporting your nervous system and connecting to your sacred nature.

1 LIVE Monthly Temple Tea Time: Ritual & Connection:

A monthly ritual opportunity to share a sacred beverage and connect to your own heart and the hearts of other members in the Embodied Community. Build connections, receive support, share, and witness others on the journey in a sacred and nourishing way. We are quite a global group, and it is always exciting to hear the perspectives and life experiences of each other!

Ongoing Community Engagement and Support:

Online Support via a private Facebook Group to connect and engage alongside other community members on this journey in a flexible way. Elisha and Megan are both active in the Facebook Group and available to answer questions, offer support, and share inspiration!

Quarterly Live Daily Devotion Guided Practice:

Each quarter, you can participate LIVE in a guided ongoing daily devotional practice. Practices use tools such as breathwork, chanting/toning, movement, meditation, and other techniques to downregulate your nervous system and connect to your Deep Self. Show up daily or enjoy the replays on demand to provide support & accountability as you build your practice.

Additional Practice Resources:

In your members portal, there are also additional recordings of guided practices & resources, as well as pop-up opportunities that happen LIVE to experience additional practices, rituals, and ways of connecting with your Deep Self through your nervous system!

"Embodiment is what makes Elisha’s work so different.

It’s not just words or tasks. It’s full embodied integration that makes the changes permanent and lasting.”

Format & Access:

Live sessions take place via the Zoom platform and are recorded for replay access.

Sessions alternate time zones so that each hemisphere of the world has multiple opportunities to attend live.

Sessions are recorded in both video and audio-only formats with captioning available.

➸Content is organized for you into an easy-access portal & App that you can use 24/7 so that you can engage with the materials in a way that most supports your unique life structure.


$133 USD per month paid as a monthly recurring 6-month subscription


A 6-month pay-in-full option of $798 USD

This path of nervous system healing to Soul Embodiment is courageous work, and it’s NEVER too late to begin. While you are here, in a body, there is more to be experienced, and life is inviting YOU to come home to the fullness of who you truly are. It would be our pleasure to support your journey in the Embodied Community!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a minimum monthly commitment? (i.e., What if I join and want to leave before the end of the 6-months?)

Yes. For 2024, the Embodied Community is a 6-month commitment. This path of Embodiment, experiencing healing at a nervous system level, takes time and consistency.

Ultimately, this is long-term work that becomes a way of life, allowing you to spiral deeper and uncover more possibilities the longer you walk the path, but 6 months is a great place to start in order to begin to release some of the stress responses blocking your access to greater connection and support from your own divine nature.

If you don't believe you want to commit to six months of focus on your own personal healing and connection, this may not be the community for you. We would suggest looking at our other a la carte course & offering options for 2024 with shorter time periods. There are no refunds for the Embodied Community.

What makes this different than other Embodiment and Somatics work?

Sacred Somatics was born out of 20+ years of experience in dance, movement, and somatic healing practices and energy work that taught us that it is not enough to just “move” our physical bodies around and call it good.

There are plenty of movement practices and theories out there that provide benefits to the physical body and are fun ways of playing with your personal expression. And there is nothing wrong with that; HOWEVER, that is not the TRUTH of embodiment or the possibilities that somatic practices hold.

True somatics is about coming deeper into the experience of inner sensing within your physical and emotional body. This REQUIRES that you meet the places you are numb/disconnected. But if you haven’t built enough safety in your nervous system to support this, it feels overwhelming when numb is your norm, and so you’ve probably got your felt sensing on lockdown! This overall numbness also keeps you blocked from your Intuition, blocked from your Soul/Sacred Nature and stuck in your head.

As you begin to deepen the regulation of your nervous system, release patterns of habitual stress, and free up more energy and vitality, it starts to FEEL good! There is a new relationship with flow and ease as you experience deeper peace and OKness in your life.

But we don’t stop there…. this is why the somatics work in the community is SACRED. We don’t want you to just “feel better” as you go about muggle life. That doesn’t create revolutionary change within yourself, your communities, and our world. Sacred Somatics teaches you to channel your Soul energy within your physical body so that it ANIMATES and informs all parts of your life.

Connecting you to your SOUL, is the ultimate mission of the Sacred Somatics work. Because we believe that when you are led by, inhabiting, and channeling your Soul, the outpouring of that TRUTH into the world is what will lead to deep fulfillment of your purpose and the greater change for humanity when enough of us WAKE UP and usher in a new phase of life.

This is the Revolution!

Will this community cover the theory and science of Nervous System Regulation?

This community is focused on personal healing and experiential practices as well as sacred somatics & rituals. While some theory/teaching is offered in each of the 6-week short courses, this is not a training or nervous system theory-based program.

If you are interested in a full training program to deepen your understanding of the nervous system or desire to teach and lead through this lens, please reach out to contact@elishahalpin.com to inquire about the EVOLUTION training program, which will be enrolling in 2025.

How long is access to the content & replays?

As a community member, your January - June 2024 Access includes:

  • January - June 2024 New Moon & Full Moon Breathwork Healing Circles during your membership period

  • January - June 2024 Temple Tea Time Rituals during your membership period

  • Embodied: the community Private Facebook group during your membership period

  • 6-week course; Practice Better: Learn Somatic Tools and Neuroplasticity Basics to Fully Support Your Nervous System - LIFETIME Access, regardless of your community membership, as long as your 6-month payments from January - June 2024 are completed.

  • 6-week course; Embody Your Light: Thaw the Freeze Blocking Your Radiance - LIFETIME Access, regardless of your community membership, as long as your 6-month payments from January - June 2024 are completed.

What are the benefits of joining the community versus registering for things separately?

  • Ongoing replay access to New Moon & Full Moon Breathwork replays and all other Embodied Community offerings

  • Having a committed container of beautiful Souls to journey with that stays consistent for the first 6 months of the year to foster connection, community, accountability, and support.

  • Knowing you have a place to come in the Facebook Group to be witnessed and supported with regular shares & engagement, check-ins, and encouragement on your continued journey in a more personal way.

  • The Monthly Temple Tea Time & Quarterly Guided Daily Devotion Practices, as well as the Facebook Group, are available to Community members ONLY and cannot be joined a la carte.

  • The convenience of bundling all of the offerings together inside one ongoing container with only needing to set up payment and registration once.

  • If you were to join all the 2024 Public Events (12 Breathwork & Sacred Somatics Healing Groups Plus the two 6-week courses) a la carte for the first 6 months of the year, the cost would be $990 USD. Joining the Embodied Community is a savings of $192 USD PLUS you get all of the additional inclusions & offerings for community members only.

Meet Your Community Guides

Elisha Tichelle - Nervous System Alchemist, Priestess for Visionaries, Creator of Sacred Somatics, Mystery School Guide

Elisha is a sacred life mentor and embodiment coach for visionaries, creatives, healers, and coaches. As the Priestess behind the Leader, Elisha creates space for sacred leaders to experience the embodiment of their Essence, allowing them to trust their power, create their sacred service to have a greater impact in their communities, and authentically express their truth. As an oracle of Divine Feminine wisdom, Elisha’s mission is to help create a new cosmology for humanity by reclaiming our sacred nature and knowing ourselves as the holy ground. Through Sacred Soul Somatics, Elisha weaves her 20+ year career as a tenured professor of somatics and dance with Breathwork, Neurosculpting, Energy work, intuitive channeling, and transpersonal psychology for a whole system approach to healing and transformation. As a professor, Elisha was an embedded faculty member in the Arts and Design Research Incubator with her research into somatic interventions for trauma and stress. Elisha works 1:1 with high-capacity leaders to evolve their nervous system and soul embodiment. Through group programs, she trains coaches, healers, and mamas in cutting-edge nervous system and energy somatic techniques to revolutionize their lives and their service.

Megan Marie Moore - Sacred Somatics Facilitator, Embodied Spirituality Ceremonialist

Megan is a Priestess, Ceremonialist, and Minister who leads Sacred Soul Somatics and works with nervous system healing as a path for Embodied Spirituality. As a Hearth Tender, Megan creates deeply supportive experiences to open the body and sensory system so that the wisdom of the heart can be felt and known. Megan has been working intimately with Elisha for 15 years and now serves as a co-teacher and mentor in the nervous system expansion and training programs of Elisha Tichelle & Co. and facilitates the Embodied Community.Megan is a Certified Heroine's Mystical Journey Facilitator, Certified Breathwork Practitioner, and Certified Movement Analyst. She also holds a degree in Kinesiology and an MFA in Dance & Movement, as well as training in massage, bodywork, yoga, and other somatic practices. Megan is an ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister through One Spirit Seminary.

Lauren Moyle - Community Heart Tender

Lauren is a lifelong educator, coach, mama, yogi, and deeply feeling human. Lauren began her professional journey with Teach for America and then founded a K-4 Elementary Campus in Newark NJ mentoring her teachers to truly see, teach & serve each & every student. After over a decade leading, Lauren recently transitioned to being home with her own two little souls (Jane & Declan) and found the magic of the Embodied Community. It was through the work of this sacred circle Lauren discovered that the spiritual meaning she had been seeking her whole life had been right within her all along! Lauren now serves as a Heart Tender and is passionate about creating new ways to synthesize content and deepen our community’s connection and engagement.

“The woman I am today is so much more of ME than existed before this work with Elisha. There are definite differences in empowerment, clarity, creativity, and a sense of grounded embodiment.”